So there has been talk lately about unfinished projects. Do you have any? My guess is that I have somewhere around 30 rugs that need to be finished. Well, make that 29 rugs. I started this rug about a year and half ago and just wasn't happy with it. The Uncle Sam was too squatty so I enlarged the pattern and made him a little taller. This design is my patriotic version of my Antique Santa & Reindeer rug. I am offering for sale as a pattern. It is 24 by 27 and retails for $55 plus shipping.

And in between planting some flowers today, I found some time to dye some more wool. I'll have no problem using these warm primitve colors in my rugs.

Happy Rug Hooking. Maria
Your Uncle Sam and Sheep rug is so neat!! I love it. Love seeing all your beautiful dyed wool too!
Lori R
Beautiful Maria! I love that Santa and reindeer pattern..I might have to dust off my frame and hook and make one for myself. Your Uncle Sam is gorgeous too! I only have about 3 unfinished rugs in my pile, but it drives me crazy. I haven't hooked in a year & I miss it! Your rugs are inspiring!!
I love it too Maria! Your designs are always so GREAT! :)
What a terrific rug Maria, I'm so glad you finished it so we could see it!!!!
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