Well, I have been hooking up a storm in the last few weeks and can't wait to share some of my new designs with you. It was so dreary here today so I played in the dye pots and used one of Wendy Miller's dye recipes and just love the color. I bought some wool off the bolt and the color just did not speak to me. So I dyed it using Wendy's canning jar blue recipe and I love it now! Can't wait to use it in a rug. As for the new designs, I still need to steam them and hope to have that done in the next couple of days. But I do have a few pictures of past rugs to show. This was my attempt to hook a rug and make it look like a braided rug. One of these days, I'm going to hook this rug using different colors. See the white spot in the rug....candle wax.

This rug was inspired from a scherrenschnitte-paper cutting from long ago. It's a nice litte chair mat. Have a great week. Maria
Love the new rugs ~ is there a story behind the candle wax? I just had a candle wax incident too ~ a hot iron and paper towels takes care of it!! See you in November!!
I love that circle rug.....how big is it? I'm thinking that would be a great design for a runner.
Love your pumpkin rug that you have on Ebay right now. I need to start using some purple wools~ it really looks good in your rug!!!
Those circles are great! An easy shape but so graphic.
Maria-love both of your new "old" rugs! Can't wait to see the new ones too. And I do hope you'll share a picture of your dyed wool. Sounds like a great day!
Love the look of your "braided" rug. I was going to suggest the hot iron and paper towels but Alice beat me to it.
Please share your dyed wool with us.
I'll take a picture of the wool tomorrow and show you it. As for the size of the rug, it about 12 to 15 inches wide by 45 inches long. I can measure it if you want the exact measurements. Maria
Maria I love the circles rug. It would really look great in my living room. And I'm contemplating "Happy Jack" He's great too!
Hi Maria - I love that circle rug...gorgeous colors. I don't think there is one rug you have hooked that I have not fallen in love with! You are such an inspiration and I am in awe of your work.
Ah, thanks gals. You make me feel good about my hooking. Kim, I see that star rug every once in a while in some of your posts or pictures and it makes me smile to see it hanging in your house! Maria
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