Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another giveway

Yes, it's true, another giveaway to celebrate the website. I'll announce the winner tomorrow around 10:00 pm.

Because I love Magdalena Briner's rugs, I am offering the book about Magdalena Briner's rugs and life.

 This book was written by Kathy Wright and Evelyn Lawrence and is a must have particularly if you love old rugs. These ladies did a fabulous job giving the reader a better understanding of her life and her rugs. The pictures in the book documenting her rugs are so inspirational.

To be entered in the giveaway, kindly leave a message in the comment section telling everyone why you love Magdalena's style of hooking.

I've been hooking Magdalena's rugs for years. My favorite rug is her two crow and dog rug.

 My logo rug below was based on this rug.

Here is my small version of her two horse rug.

Until tomorrow, Maria


  1. you're so very generous to offer this fine book...I already own it, but wanted to say Congrats on your beautiful new website!...
    hope you have lots of fun with it and LOTS of sales!

    Blessed be;

  2. Hey Maria, love your new website! Will we ever meet again?
    I love, love, love Magdalena's rugs for their natural, simple designs and wonderful backgrounds. I hope to hook one of her designs soon.
    Goodluck with the new website.

  3. I think I love this style of rug so much because it's naieve (sp) and innocent - makes me think of simpler times.

  4. Such a sweet giveaway! I have to admit that I was not a big fan in the beginning of my hooking years. But now as time has gone by, I am drawn more and more to it. I enjoy working with hit or miss style hooking, and refer back to her pieces when I can see a picture of them to help me out. Good luck to the winner!

  5. I love the endearing style, they are very compeling.

  6. Hooking a Magdalina rug or a Magdalina style rug is on my bucket list. Love her special animals and the wonderful backgrounds!

    Hope I am the lucky winner.

  7. I love her designs because they are so primitive in style...

  8. ooh..this sounds like an interesting book - please include me in the giveaway. Thanks so much!

  9. I just completed my first Magdalena rug! Not only was it a fun rug to hook but I've received a million & one compliments on it. Magdalena was truly a woman ahead of her time. Her designs are not only primitive but priceless. I would love to own a book about her life. Sher

  10. Magdalina rugs represent true American Folk Art and that's why I love them!
    Barbara S.

  11. I have always loved her designs, so inspiring.


  12. Hi, Maria!

    I love the primitive perfection of her designs and backgrounds. I would love to have this book.


  13. Love your new website. Magalina designs are timeless.

  14. Love that folky make-do style. Another lovely giveaway!
    Blessings, Patti

  15. I love the Magdalena rugs. I love the horses and the dogs. In your previous blog post those leaves immediately made me think of Magdalena - that's what her leaves would look like in her rugs. That's what I saw anyway! Thanks for the wonderful offers Maria.


  16. Love the new website Maria...more than a few rugs on my "oooh I want to hook that" list...mostly all of them...

    Please enter me in your generous book giveaway...somehow this one is missing from my library...could it be I spend on wool first?!?

  17. Hi Maria... I suppose I fell in love with Magdalena's work as it seems to "match" the artwork and fabrics that I have in my home. I suppose I've been a bit Magdalena myself for a long time.


  18. First off how sweet of you to do another wonderful giveaway!
    I am new at hooking and I love, love, Magdalena's book. To see all her designs would be a treasure!
    Happy Hooking,
    P.S. it is raining here again today so I am hooking.

  19. I love her folky primitive style.Would love a chance.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  20. I have always been drawn to the hit and miss style and in the Kopp book am always refering to the Magdalena style - love it! Congrats to the winner

  21. I would love to have a chance at this fine book. Magdalena's rugs just make my heart go pitter-patter. I so love the primitive style and her backgrounds are so wonderful, I want to try her style, really bad. but have not got up the courage to try yet, but I will. Thanks Maria for such an awesome give a way, love your new website. Rhonda

  22. Oh I would love to be entered in this drawing, you can not get a more primitive folk art style than Magdalena's. Her book would be an added welcome to my library. Thanks so much for sharing!

  23. Oh I would love to be entered in this drawing, you can not get a more primitive folk art style than Magdalena's. Her book would be an added welcome to my library. Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. This book sure sounds wonderful!!

  25. I love the graphically primitive style she uses! Thanks for the chance!

  26. Maria, thank you for offering such a lovely book. I love all the primitive rugs in this book, definately on my "to do" list. Would love a chance to win it!! Love the new website, really easy to navigate! :) Please let me know when the "three sheep" pattern is available!

  27. How generous of you! I am new at rug hooking and I would love to have this book!

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  28. I love Magdalena's rugs and 6-7 years ago hooked a version of her 2-horse rug. Still love it!

    Thanks so much for offering this wonderful book!!!

    Colleen C

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. It is so sweet of you to offer such a wonderful book as a giveaway. I first saw Magdalena's rugs on the Wooley Fox website and loved how she jumbled all the animals around. Then I fell in love with her horses, having been a competitive rider for some 30 years. Winning that book would be such a treat.


  31. I fell in love with Magdalena's rugs. It must not only be her beautiful heartfelt style but anytime you add an animal in the mix, I'm "hooked!" I just drew out the Lollipop bouquet and have the vase and about half the circles hooked. I am letting myself not be too restricted with rules and am just loving the process

  32. I am a new rug hooker & am just discovering Magdalena's work. I love her simple & heartwarming style. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a treasure!!!

  33. I love her rugs because they remind me of my grandmother's rugs - primitive. Thanks for the chance to win this book. ~Ann
