Thursday, May 10, 2012

Magdalena Book Giveaway Winner is......

21, which was the result of another unscientific random number generator called my husband.  Number 21 is Rhonda of My Glory Star.  Kindly send me your mailing address to

For the last Giveway to celebrate the new Website, I'm offering my Tin Hearts kit.  If you would like to be considered, (you know the drill) leave a comment telling everyone, let's mix it up a bit tonight,  what your favorite food is!
Drawing for this giveway will be Saturday at10:00 pm.  Until then, Maria


  1. Let's see my favorite food is chocolate!!! Love the giveaway and it is always a joy to read your blog!

  2. Sweet! I love this pattern ~ I'll be happy to sign up! Thank you! You're very generous!

  3. Pie~Any kind but I have my favorites like Peanut Butter with Meringue, Fresh Peach, Pecan Pie, Pumpkin, I could go on forever! Everyone in our family would rather have pie than cake any day!

  4. Ahhh, for me it has to be anything with shrimp in the name....please include me in the drawing. Thank you.

  5. Wow love this pattern! My favorite food is macaroni and cheese. It's so comforting...LOL and it's my all time fav!


  6. I love grandmas fudge and moms coconut cream pie!! I love all your designs!!

  7. Hi Maria, well lets try this again!! My favorite food has ro be iice cream!! Thank you for offering another giveaway!! This has been fun. Now off to get that bowl of ice cream!!

  8. congrats to the winner! my favorite food is lobster.
    thanks for the great giveaway.

  9. Favorite food...I think it's a toss up between cheesecake and pizza (without the calories, of course!).
    Thanks for all the generous give-aways.
    Happy Mother's Day!
    Pug hugs :)

  10. Beautiful pattern! I'd love to win. My favorite food is a freshly baked scone.

  11. Hi - my favourite food - so many - and they go in cycles.. right now it is carrot cake. with pineapple of course and no raisins (hate raisins but love grapes - go figure).. hope I win! It would be a first LOL

  12. What a wonderful delight, wake up this morning, coffee in hand scrolling thru my favorite blogs, and finding out I am the Winner of this fabulous book!! Thank you so much Maria, very appreciative!!! Rhonda

  13. My favorite food is chocolate chip cookies ....home made & cookie dough ! I love following your blog...and I just can't get enough hearts !!!!

  14. I love this pattern and enjoy reading your blog, what a gret giveaway!! My favorite food has to be pizza!

  15. Love your Tin Hearts pattern. Please enter me. I also like your random drawing technique - much nicer than some random number generator! So thank your husband too, please.

    How to pick just one favorite food!??? At this very moment I think it would have to be a McDonalds MOCHA FRAPPE, if that even counts as a food - probably enough calories for a full meal. A guilty pleasure, but I have them skip the whipped cream and drizzle for my diet version!

    ... jan

  16. Oh my oh my please add me to the giveaway list as I'd be so happy to have the beautiful rug kit.

    My very favorite food has to be pasta with any kind of red sauce but particularly Marinara. I'm not sure if it is the sauce or the pasta I love so much.


  17. Congrats to Rhonda on her win! Oh my favorite food? Chocolate is wonderful!

  18. Favorite food--- would have to be chocolate cheese cake with lots of whipped cream on the top! Yummmy! :)


  19. I REALLY REALLY want to win that rug!!!! I'm going to try using my Hungarian ESP to send messages to your husband to pick my number!!!
    I don't really have a favorite food. I guess it would be whatever I can find here to eat!!!!
    Thank You for your generosity with all the great things that you've given away,BUT this one HAS to be MINE!!!!

  20. Love this rug!
    Hmmmm . . . . a 3 way tie between, chocolate, red wine and asparagus! he he!


  21. I'm with Alice...I love this pattern. Friday Fish Fry is the only answer on a Friday when you're in Wisconsin

  22. Oh what fun it is to have all these drawings you are very generous. I love checking out your lovely blog. My favorite food is eggplant parmesan.

  23. What a cute pattern kit!! Thank you for a chance to win it. A favorite food of mine is the sweet potato.

    Barbara S.

  24. Thanks again for the great giveaways, your entertaining blog and wonderful patterns! My favorite food is whatever my husband cooks!! Linda (

  25. Love the new website. Thanks for posting the pic of my Hooligan's rug! It was so much fun to do.
    My favorite food is Chocolate, too! I am sure it is a food group. Have a wonderful Mother's Day. Anne

  26. My very favorite food item????? Hum, right off the top of my head I can tell you. It's called "Ice Box Cake". It's not a cake at all.
    When I was married, the first time, this old recipe was given to me as a gift from a very elderly lady from Nebraska. I've made it very few times. It's rich and simply past delicious. I cannot be trusted with it in the house. MMMM a piece right now would be wonderful! :-)

  27. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese! Thanks for the giveaways you have donated all week!!!

    Colleen C

  28. Congratulations to Rhonda!
    Hmm, my favorite food? too many to choose from, but I'd have to say pizza!

  29. What a great give-away Maria! Favorite food.... Voortman's Almonette cookies.....
    Cathy G

  30. Umm does chocolate count? Second favorite would be pasta any kind will do.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  31. My favorite food has got to be cheese-its. Love that snack - I can eat them like a meal!! Love your new website. Would certainly love to win this pattern. Pam

  32. Hi Maria,
    Thank you for offering another wonderful giveaway!! My favorite food is ice cream!! Love the rug you are currently working on!! The three sheep is on my wish list, please let me know when it will be available in pattern!!
    Happy hooking!!

  33. I'll 2nd the vote for chocolate as my favorite food - I've finally learned to control my appetite for it a little bit, but man do I love it!

  34. Would love a chance to win your Tin Hearts kit. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese!

  35. Please enter me, I would love to win this kit! My favorite food is maybe pizza, maybe chocolate....there is so much to choose from!

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  36. I am officially hungry reading these messages. Chocolate....I forego a meal just to eat it. of my favorites. And JAN, I am going to email you, you need a MR. COFFEE Frappe maker which are also good for smoothies. You can make frappes that taste better than McD with 100 calories or less. Go to target online. Treat yourself to one for mother's day! Oh and sweet that as well (see I do eat healthY!) Maria

  37. Great pattern and great giveaway!

    Chocolate ice cream is my favorite!Pizza is a close second!

    Pick me!

  38. Hi Maria,

    My favorites are good bread and cheese. Can't wait to take your class in Ohio this summer!!


  39. Hi Maria,
    My favorites are good bread and cheese. Can't wait to take your class in Ohio this summer!!


  40. Pizza ~ any kind of Pizza ~ thin crust, thick crust, round or sicilian ~ preferrably homemade or by someone who knows what they're doing ~ fresh mozz, basil, garden tomatoes...some spinach, alittle bit of oregano ~ add a dollop or 3 of riccota and I'm in HEAVEN!!!!

    (many thanks for the chance to win one of your beautiful kits Maria)

    Blessed be!

  41. my stars! I just reread your comments ~ seems like we are carb & choco addicts! teehee count me in!

  42. congrats to her!
    mine is pizza!

  43. My favorite food is homemade spaghetti and meatballs, YUMMO.
    Thank you for giving us gals another chance to win a wonderful gift from you!!!!
    May Hugs and Blessings,

  44. My favorite foods are corn on the cob (lots of butter, of course) and fresh tomatoes from my garden...and also lemon pie!

    Love this pattern and I would be thrilled to win it.


  45. My favorite food is beer cheese soup. Thanks for the giveaways!

  46. Would love to receive your give-a-way!

    I'm 'old-fashioned', but there is nothing better than a good pot roast with potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms and whatever else you can find to throw into the dutch oven. A typical 'Sunday dinner' when I was growing up ;~)

  47. Love the sweet tin stars pattern, and would love to be included in the drawing!

    Hope your spring is going great! Jo

  48. My favorite food would have to be blueberries. We have a small patch in our yard and it looks like it will be a good year! Thank you so much for your giveaway and wonderful pattern.

  49. i guess my favorite food is mashed pototoes!

    i would love to win this kit :)


  50. From Betty,

    I love this pattern....I am excited to enter Umm....I think a nice plate of spaghetti is one of my favorite foods. Betty

  51. I love cake. Any cake. I also love the pattern you are offering. Thank you


  52. Love homemade pizza cooked on a pizza stone with only veggies and cheese :)

  53. My favorite food is white pizza with lots of garlic!
    What a wonderful pattern...thanks for your continued generosity. Sure has been a fun week!!!!!:)
