Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Giveaway winner and a little inspiration

 Thanks again to all who participated in today's giveaway. The lucky number today is  14.  Liz you are the owner of 1 yard of purple wool! Kindly email me your address to maria@starrugcompany.com, I'll get the wool right out to you.

Now to explain the pictures. I was walking through an elementary school recently and these wonderful artistic chalk painted leaves caught my eye.

Didn't the children do a great job capturing the beauty of a leaves?

Don't you wonder what the art assignment was?

 Normally I think of leaves as orange, yellow or red colored but these works of art certainly opened my mind to see leaves differently....in a more abstract colorful way.

One of my future projects and challenges will be to use these works of art as inspiration in a design.

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Check back tomorrow for another giveaway... I'm putting my thinking hat on for this one! Til then, Maria


  1. Congrats to Liz!
    Happy hump day.
    Hugs :)

  2. Yippee! Thank you very much! Now I will have no excuse to use purple in a rug!

  3. Ooopps I didn't read the time until after I posted. Congrates to lucky number 14 Liz and thanks again for the generous give aways Maria.

  4. Love those chalk leaves, Maria! Very artistic!

  5. So cool. They would be great models for some abstract rugs. My daughter taught jr. high art and the students would come up with some very original works of art. I have a watercolor painting on my refrigerator right now that Charlie, my three yr. old Grandson made for me and it is so pretty that I am seriously thinking of making a small rug using it as the pattern. Such unbridled talent children have.

  6. So cool. They would be great models for some abstract rugs. My daughter taught jr. high art and the students would come up with some very original works of art. I have a watercolor painting on my refrigerator right now that Charlie, my three yr. old Grandson made for me and it is so pretty that I am seriously thinking of making a small rug using it as the pattern. Such unbridled talent children have.
