Thursday, April 3, 2008

I've been tagged!

Tammy Burks of Skip to My Ewe has tagged me. The idea is for me to tell you 5 unusual things about me that you may not know. Hmmm, now why would I want to do that? You all might think I'm a little strange after I reveal my secrets....But what the heck, I'm game.

1. Ok speaking of game, the first unusual thing about me is that I would rather watch a hockey game or a golf match on TV than a good movie. I'm a sports junkie!
2. As for movies, I haven't been to a movie theatre in about 12 years. Refer to #1.
3. I have a terrible singing voice...just ask some of my friends (Right Shelly and Mickey?)
4. One of my favorite vegetables is beets! Can you believe it?
5. I've lost a tooth playing hockey.

Getting back to rug hooking, here are a couple more rugs that Marcia hooked.

Aren't these rugs great? I love her pictorial style and how all her rugs tell a story. Maria


  1. Maria,
    I've never tried beets.....hmmmm...if they are one of your favorites I'll have to give them a least they are pretty to look at!

  2. Maria,
    I didn't know you liked beets, believe it or not I love pickled beets.
    Marcia's rugs are great, wonderful memories for her on these rugs.
    I love your Terrier rug too!

  3. The rugs are fabulous and I have a thing for pickled beets every now and again too! Can't say I've ever lost a tooth playing hockey though! ;o)
