Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wonderful Rugs hooked by Marcia Barton

who is my mother in law. About 12 years ago, I taught her to hook and as you can see, she could definitely teach me a thing or two about hooking. Her rugs are amazing when you think that she hooks most of them with an eight cut. Can you believe that she is able to get all that detail with a wider cut? As you can see, she is very artistic and has won several awards for painting. Below is a rug of Dave's house when he was a little kid. She hooked this rug from a photograph of the house. I just love how she was able to make the snowman stands out from the snow on the ground. The trees in this rug and the next rug are awesome as well. If you look at the rug, it only has about 5 different colors in it, blue, gray, beige, dirty white and some red. How she made it so warm and full of life with only those colors is amazing!
The next rug is dear to my heart as it depicts one of my favorite things to do.....skating.....well playing hockey while I'm skating....Isn't this rug great as well? This one is a bit more colorful and just fun. The ice looks real and the snow on the roof in the house in the background is terrific.
And finally, this is a rug that she hooked for Dave and me. It is a rug of our two dogs that are no longer with us. Bear was my wonderful black lab and Dolly was Dave's sweet little English Setter. They were with us for a long time and this sweet little rug depicts them perfectly and is very special.
I found a picture of a rug that I hooked several years ago for my sister-in-law, Lynne. It is a rug depicting her Jack Russell Terrier, Nick. The green background was something a little different for me but I liked the way it turned out. Enjoy the pictures. Maria

1 comment:

  1. Oh Maria,
    I just love the rug with the kids playing in the snow and the one of captured the essence of a terrier so well in that!
    Now for more good news. I'm giving you a "you make my day" award...see my blog for more details.
    Your rugs are always so sweet, whimsical and definitely have your own style!
