I have an affinity for whales and just loved this antique rug depicting whaling. Somehow, I think those guys in that little boat with the small harpoon didn't stand a chance of catching this massive creature. That's my story anyways.
I still need to tweak the rug a bit and I'm thinking I may add a braided border to the edge. The second picture is of the antique rug. Thanks for stopping by, Maria

You definitely should add a braided border! I really am pleased to know how to do them as I think they add a great design element. Your braiding buddy Debbie ;-D
I really love your version and the colors you used. I have been wanting to make whales too, on my to do list.
beautiful Maria ~ I lovwe whales too ~ your package shipped today!
thanks so much again and Merry Christmas to you!
Great rug Maria! You did a fabulous job reproducing the antique rug. In fact, I think I like yours better! I hope you offer it as a pattern. I think I would love to hook this one as well. Hugs, Lori
Thanks Lori! It was an easy rug to hook (except for those noodlely people in the boat!) It definitely will be/is a pattern. 20 x 29 inches just in case you were wondering, Maria
Lori B, Thanks for the kind words. I must confess, I am giving your Joy Fraktur to my SIL who has everything. It will be a huge sacrifice for me to part with it. Merry Christmas to you, Maria
Debbie, You need to hook a whale rug....I just love those creatures. Reminds me of seeing them in Alaska. Maria
Debbie (dose of fiber), Hey there braiding buddy! Looks like you have been having fun in the sun and quilting like crazy! I've been practicing braiding and it gets a little easier each time I do it. Have you done anymore braiding? This rug definitely would look awesome with a braid. I think that will be my news years project. Good to hear from you! Maria
Maria ~
What a great rug!!!
Merry Christmas.
Hugs :)
Thanks Lauren. Merry Christmas to you as well! Maria
Love it! Love the dark colors ~ and the movement in your sky!!! Merry Christmas, friend!!
Wowza! It looks terrific, Maria. I must agree with the other comments that I like your version better than the original.
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