Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Heart Inspiration Day 14

 Whew!  Fourteen straight days of posts....I didn't know if I would make it. 
 It has been fun searching the internet looking for heart themed ideas to inspire you.  I hope I gave you a few things to think about and some rugs to challenge the designer in you.  
These sweet hearts are from Kelley Bellfast.  You can find her blog here
Pinned Image

The next three hearts were hooked by Sara and you can see more of her work on her blog 
Look how she finished off this heart.  Very creative and clever.  Think of how you could use this technique for other projects.

The beading in this heart makes this design so special.

Again, look how Sara used to two wools to create a unique finish.

Thanks for joining me over the last 14 days.  Til tomorrow or maybe the next day!  Maria


  1. I follow Sara and love those hearts you did a great job coming up with all those hooked hearts.

  2. Maria,
    Thanks for the 14 days of inspiration! It was fun and you sure found some wonderful things to share with us. Hugs,Lori

  3. Thanks so much for including me in your collection of hooked hearts, Maria! Hope you had a great valentine's Day and lots of chocolate! Sarah
