Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Have you heard of Tabata?

Have you?  It is has been dubbed the 4 minute exercise.  It is supposed to be as beneficial if not more so than a 60 minute aerobic exercise.  Hmm, let me see, 4 minutes of exercise vs. 60 minutes.  I know what I'm going to choose.  
Actually, I've done it Tabata and it is hard and intense. I hopped on my elliptical and did the workout and let me tell  you it literally wiped me out for the rest of the night.  You don't need any equipment to do Tabata though.    Google Tabata and you'll find all kinds of information on it.  Here are a couple of articles from reputable fitness magazines, Shape and Men's Health,  to purview and decide for yourself.  I'm going to keep it up every other day to see if I notice any difference in my metabolism.   I'd love to know if any of you have tried it.  Maria


  1. Hi Maria ~ nope, never heard of it...but you can bet your buttons that I will devour everything I read about it from this point forward! Thanks for the healthy info!

    Blessed be,

  2. We have been doing Plyometrics in our Pilates combo class which is pretty intense. I will try this and report back.
