Sunday, February 12, 2012

Heart Inspiration Day 12

Its hard to get past the wonderful design of this rug to see the hearts.  This is a great old rug both in the design and color.   Don't you just love the red mane, tail and feet of the horse?  This may be my favorite rug in this "Heart Inspiration" series.   How about you, do you have a favorite?

I was checking to see if the Goode Wife was on tonight and I happened upon Masterpiece Theatre and ended up watching a show called Downton Abbey.  Boy was it good.  I've DVR'd episode 7.  If my mom is reading this post, I know you are smiling right now!  Til Tomorrow, Maria


  1. Oh I love this rug. I absolutely love the old horse rugs and never owned a horse of my own. They are just so beautiful. Never saw one I didn't like! Really enjoying your daily posts Maria!!


  2. they have all been wonderful how to pick a favorite.
    I do love the color in this rug the others are more mongromatic (if I spelled that right)
    Happy valentine's day

  3. Beautiful piece and love the coloring of this horse rug. Nothing pops out at you, very sweet! Keep them coming :)

  4. It is always a delight to visit your blog as you put wonderful antique rug pictures for all of us to enjoy.


  5. I love the way the old rugs look with the mixed colors, and hit or miss. They used what they had, with no thought to art styles, but they are timeless treasures.


  6. Love the horse..but better yet I love the website link.
    I think I could spend many hours on there just amazing rugs.
    So thanks very much :)
