Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 11 of Heart Inspiration

Today's rugs both come from the Canada Textile Museum found here. Again, this rug shows you that you can make quite an impact with just a few colors.

Hooked Rug  Place Made: North America: Canada, Central Canada, Ontario, Waterloo County  People: Mennonite  Period: Early 20th century  Date: c 1911

Yes, this rug has hearts in it but I love the background and border of this rug.  Just think about how many worms you could use hooking a rug in this manner.  I'm not wild about the duck in this rug but picture another motif in its place.  What an impact with a cat, horse or dog motif.  You can find the original rug here.

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Want an easy craft project to do with your kids?  Aren't these little wire yarn hearts cute? You can find a tutorial here
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Til Tomorrow, Maria

1 comment:

  1. wonderful things with hearts for sure the rugs are amazing.
