Friday, November 4, 2011

Time for a Giveaway

I just returned from class at Barb Carroll's house. It was so much fun! I go with a great group of gals and the instruction from Miss Barb was top notch as usual. I'll share photos from the class in another post but I wanted to show you a couple of fun "almost completed" pictures from Cathy. Cathy works at Woolley Fox and brought some rugs to show us. The first one is a new pattern called Peeps.
Aren't those purple peeps the best?
Look at all the different wools used in the bodies. Cathy explained that she had chosen all the wool for the peeps and when she met with Barb, they changed it up a bit. The wool she had chosen for the peeps' bodies now were the feet. Love all those purple peeps with their colorful feet! The background wool is wonderful too. The pictures simply do not do it justice!
And have you ever seen a turquoise chicken? Who cares????? It rocks the rug. Thanks for sharing the rug with everyone Cathy.

OK on to the giveaway.........

I had planned on sending an item for the auction at the ATHA Biennial and totally forgot. So instead what I have decided to do is give a one year membership to ATHA to a lucky someone.

Now for those of you who are not members of ATHA let me give you some reasons that you may want to join:

1. The newsletter is terrific. I just received mine today and it is full of articles, ads and wonderful color pictures. The newsletters are published bimonthly.

2. Every newsletter contains events and list all the ATHA groups throughout the country.

3. The Biennial Convention is awesome as you can see from all the pictures posted over the blog.

4. Two Regional Rug Schools and global workshops.

5. Regional Rug Shows

6. Regional Rug Challenges

7. Over 70 Local ATHA chapters

8. Largest Lending Library of Hooking Related Resources

9. The ATHA community is very talented.

Now for the details on how to register for the giveaway.........

You have several options for registering to win!

1.) Simply become a Star Rug Company blog "Follower" by clicking on the "Follow" button at the upper right column of this page....and also enter your name in the comment section to let me know you became a follower.


2.) You could enter a comment for me here at the bottom of this post by clicking on the "Comment" button ( and if you don't have a Blogger Account no can simply click the "Anonymous" feature to leave the message). Keep in mind though that I'll need to identify you if you are chosen! If you are unable to leave a comment just email me, and I'll add your comment to the list below.

And Finally,

3.) If you have a Blog and help spread the word about my Giveaway on your Blog, you can leave a 2nd comment here for a second entry!

So you have three different ways to enter and if you do all three, your name can be submitted three times.

I'll be announcing the winner of the giveaway on November 8, 2011 at 8:00 pm. So sign up and check back to see if you have won the mixed media piece.

Again, thank you all who read my blog, offer support and friendship.

This post is for you Judy!


  1. I used to get their magazine, but let it run out, so haven't gotten one in years. I have been cleaning out my mess in the basement, so time to start dying some wool.


  2. I am a follower for some time.
    I would love to have a Atha membership.

  3. I recently started rug hooking, but haven't joined any groups. I would love a chance to win a membership to get more ideas!

  4. I'm a current Atha member but would love to win a renewal! I've been a follower for awhile. Love the purple peeps!

  5. Hi maria - was wonderful seeing you and finally meeting you after years on the groups in Lancaster. Always batted around joining an Atha group - just never have! joanne

  6. Gee, I checked and although I have been a visitor and commenter on your blog, it appears I never signed up as a follower. Why wouldn't I follow someone whose patterns I love and have bought since I started trying to hook?

    I once belonged to ATHA but in the interest of economy, had to drop it. I would love to have a way to rejoin and would be thrilled at winning it from you.


  7. Hi I am a follower and would love to have a membership. Love those purple chicks.Cheri

  8. I love the purple chicks! One of the gals in our group hooked a blue sheep and that looked so fun! LOL Please enter me in your drawing - I've heard good things about ATHA - unfortunately I don't think there's a chapter here in Utah.

  9. I'm a follower of your blog and enjoy all of the pictures you post. My husband took me to the ATHA Biennial for one day and it was so inspiring!! Thank you for the great giveaway.

  10. Maria ~
    I am a member but would love to win a renewal.
    That rug with the purple peeps is coming along nicely. So what were you hooking at Barbara's? Please share with us!
    Pug hugs :)

  11. I'm a new follower and a beginning rug hooker. I think I would learn a lot from the magazine.

  12. Maria ~ I wholeheartedly agree ~ an ATHA membership is well worth the investment! I'm already a member so don't put me in the giveaway but all rug hookers will benefit from joining! Very generous giveaway, friend!!
