Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Big Thank You

To Lauren of Pugs and Rugs. She was in my class at ATHA and is such a sweet gal. About a week ago a package arrived from Lauren and it contained a darling necklace made out of a spoon.
She stamped it Star Rug Company. Can you see that sweet little sheep charm attached to the necklace?
Isn't it great? I just love it! Thank you Lauren!
Lauren makes and sells these necklaces and will custom make them for you. Check out her blog for more information at Rugs and Pugs
Don't forget to sign up for my GIVEAWAY!


  1. Lauren is a very special and giving person. I've never met her in person but feel as tho she is my friendly neighbor next door. I'm sure she was happy to bestowe a handcrafted gift to you.

  2. What a wonderful surprise, lauren is a wonderful person and friend.


  3. Lauren is the bestest! She is so generous! When I met her in person she gifted me one with "The Happy Hooker" Love it and wear it alot - i get a lot of "looks" though!
