Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine Giveaway Winner is...........................

Sheri of ShabbySheep. Thank you to all that entered. Please check back as I plan on having a few more giveaways in the next few months. Sheri when you see this post.....shoot me your address via email at Check back a little later tonight to see my "What I'm working on Wednesday" post. Maria


  1. OMG! Sheri will be sooo excited, and I'm excited for her because I'll get to see it "in the flesh"! We've (Sheri, Dulcy and I) been talking about hooking and mixed media since before you started in and actually started doing it.....who knows, we might plan a little "hooking get-together" just to study your piece!

  2. Hey Tam! Oh, I'm excited to know the heart will go to a good place. It is always a good feeling knowing your artwork is appreciated. Thanks for the sweet post! Maria

  3. Congratulations to Sheri! Such a awesome valentine!

  4. Congratulations, Sheri! She is such a deserving girl, Maria ~ perfect winner for your darling heart!!

  5. Congratulations Sheri!
