Friday, February 4, 2011

It is time for another giveaway!

And it is just in time for Valentine's Day! {I'm going to cheat a little and have this post also double for my what I'm working on Wednesday..... as it has been what I've been working on}

I have been playing around with mixed media recently and love it. Yes, I love rug hooking and making rugs, but every once in a while, I like to mix it up and try new things. So for this giveaway I am offering one of my mixed media pieces. It is a very simple and sweet red heart attached to an art canvas that has been decoupaged with scrapbook paper. For a touch of whimsy, I added some felt balls and twisted wire to the top of the canvas. Although this piece was made for Valentine's Day, I used neutral colors so you could use it all year long. It is called "Believe in Love"

Here is a picture of the side of the canvas. You can see the sweet scrapbook paper I used for the sides.

Now for the details on how to win.........

You have several options for registering to win!

1.) Simply become a Star Rug Company blog "Follower" by clicking on the "Follow" button at the upper right column of this page....and also enter your name in the comment section to let me know you became a follower. All my current followers will also be entered automatically in the drawing.


2.) You could enter a comment for me here at the bottom of this post by clicking on the "Comment" button ( and if you don't have a Blogger Account no can simply click the "Anonymous" feature to leave the message). Keep in mind though that I'll need to identify you if you are chosen! If you are unable to leave a comment just email me, and I'll add your comment to the list below.

And Finally,

3.) If you have a Blog and help spread the word about my Giveaway on your Blog, I not only thank you but encourage you to leave a 2nd comment here for a second entry! You can use the picture below to advertise on your blog's sidebar, or just use the larger picture above!

So you have three different ways to enter and if you do all three, your name can be submitted three times.

I'll be announcing the winner of the rug on February 9, 2011 at 10:00 am. So sign up and check back to see if you have won the mixed media piece.

Again, thank you all who read my blog, offer support and friendship. I enjoy hooking and sharing my hand goods because of you.



  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS~! Your rug hooking is AMAZING!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS~! You are such a talented hooker!

  3. Maria,
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway and win that sweet heart. I am a follower and I posted your giveaway on my sidebar.
    I have a giveaway on the go now also, so check it out.

  4. Wow! That looks great! Please enter me!

  5. Hi Maria~
    I follow your blog, love your work and LOVE hearts (especially since my PT is called My Primitive Heart and my blog is called Primitive Heartstrings!lol)
    I have your blog listed on my sidebar as well...I don't know if that counts or not, but just decided to mention it anyway!!
    Please enter me....I Love the Heart!!
    Blessings and Thanks~

  6. This is too cool. I love this little heart! I'm a follower and I'll post your giveaway on my blog!

  7. I was a follower but for some reason you got knocked off my blogger list.So I'm a follower again.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. That hooked heart looks fat and chubby - what a great way to display it and make a whole new art piece~

  9. love love love it!! i think the idea to add the felt beads on the wire is genius!!
    i already am a follower and you are in my list of blogs, that i follow on my blog sidebar!!

  10. I ~heart~ "Believe in Love"...I look forward to congratulating the winner of your giveaway!

  11. Hi. I have just become a "follower" of your blog. I love your hooked heart. Please enter me in your giveaway.

    Do you know of resources for a newbie hooker to go to?

    Thanks again!

  12. Hi, I love your hooked heart. I have just become a "follower", please enter me in your giveaway.

    Do you know of any good learning resources for a newbie hooker?


  13. Please enter me into your giveaway, It is absolutely beautiful.
    I am a follower.

  14. That is so sweet I am a follower and I would love to win.

  15. Love this piece as I do all your pieces!!! Please enter me in your giveaway...I'm a follower. Would love to have a piece of your work in my home!!


  16. I love it! Please enter my name in your giveaway.

  17. I am now an officil follower even though I have been reading your blog for a long time and hooking your patterns as well. Love the heart!

  18. I just became a follower of your blog. Please enter me in your drawing! i don;t have a blog.

  19. That is too sweet! But can it ever really be too sweet if it's for Valentine's day? Me thinks not!

  20. I just love your design so much!!!
    It would look so wonderful in my new grandbaby girls room!

  21. Maria ~
    I have been following for quite some time and would love to be entered in your give~away!
    You are so talented!!!
    Hugs :)

  22. WoW! I love this piece! Just beautiful! I love the look of hooked rugs and have tried it, but it is just not my thing. Although it make me appreciate hooked rugs even more... Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. I am a follower and can't wait to see what you work on next :)
    Blessings, Patti

  23. Love your blog....and your hooked pieces! Please enter me in your giveaway!

  24. What a great idea with the mixed media. It makes me want to play with all that stuff I've collected for some unknown but great idea!
    Debbie :)

  25. The heart is just gorgeous and the way you have put it together is perfect. Thanks for the giveaway. I am a follower.

  26. What a great art piece. I have been a follower for a while-love your rugs! Please enter my name. Thanks - SUE

  27. I am following you now:)
    I am new to rug hooking.
    So new that I have not even begun yet, but I do have the equipment to do so. Can't wait to start!
    I love what you've done.
    It is adorable!

  28. Hi Maria, You know I'm a follower, but I'd sure love to win that heart art! I'm doing more mixed media work too.

  29. Love your blog! I have become a follower! Hope to win that beautiful heart!

  30. I loved the article in EAL too. You are ver inspiring. Thank you.

  31. I want so much to start this wonderful new hobby. I have the tools just need to get the wool cut into strips. One can never have to many projects started can they? Karin E:)

  32. Hi Maria,
    Just asking you to include me in your drawing. Thanks, Linda G

  33. I started to follow your blog but I don't know how to post you on my sidebar.

  34. Maria, I got the heart in the mail and had it hung on the wall within one minute! (The nail was already there, as if waiting for something fabulous!) THANK YOU again. Our local girls have been working with more mixed media hooking for a couple of years. I love how you used Velcro on the back. I can even hook different holiday things and stick them to the canvas!!!
    xo, Sheri
