Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pictures from my booth at Ghoultide Gathering

I thought I would share a few pictures from my booth earlier this month at Ghoultide Gathering. May I say...what a show! I had the best time and enjoyed meeting all the talented artists. The talent and creativity was truly amazing. If you get the chance to attend this show next year.....go. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


  1. Wow, Maria, it looks GREAT! I wish I would have been there to see it in person. You got a lot hooked...I'm proud of you, girl! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  2. hey Alice and Kris......I tried to leave posts on both your blogs and can't remember my google password! Love both of your new rugs....the pumpkin house rug is terrific Alice, I love the colors. ANd Kris your new Halloween rug is awesome. Love the simplicity of it and those great rolled circles...they are the best. Maria

  3. At last! lol So nice to see your booth pics Maria. You sure did get a lot hooked. It all looks great together. You did a fabulous job on your booth.

  4. Hi Maria,
    LOVE the rugs and the booth looks great! Lovin those 'purples', are those overdyes? Doing any workshops in Ohio again?

  5. Your booth looks amazing.. and all that hooking - wonderful. Wish I lived closer and could see your work in person.
    thanks for sharing the photo's

  6. Your booth looks fantastic. I can't believe all the rugs you completed. I don't know where you find the extra time to hook. Donna

  7. So good! Love the stripey look on the edges of your do you do that?

  8. Love all your rugs! I like the purples in your rugs!

  9. Wow, Maria, what a great looking booth!!! Wish I lived closer. Looks like a great show to attend. Thanks for sharing your booth pics.

  10. Your booth looks wonderful. I would love to go to that show, so many talented artists.

