Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another little mat to whet your appetite......

These hands of mine are busy hooking rugs for the Ghoultide Gathering show on October 2, 2010. I can't believe it is only 11 days away. So much to do and oh so little time! Here is another little mat that will be offered for sale.. I have few more rugs that I'll share over the next few days. Maria


  1. Love your rug, can't wait to see more. Good luck with the show!!

  2. Fall is just flying by, but it if fun to create for it.
    Fun new piece.


  3. He's mine! I love him! It was nice to meet you and I hope the show was a great success for you :)


  4. I'm a new follower of your blog, I found you through another blog, 'Wooly Bear Woolens'. You have the most charming little characters in your mats. It's not fair you having all this whimsy locked up in in your brain . . . but thanks for sharing your talent on your blog! LOVE your funny and delightful style!
