Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sweet Offering on Ebay

My friend Lori Rippey has the most wonderful little hand made bunny on ebay right now. It is sitting upon a fabric covered paper mache box. Inside the box, she has attached the sweetest little sampler. Her work is just amazing. Her is the link to this listing. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190203852120&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123
Remember I was mentioning in the last post, that it was warm and hoping Spring was on its way.
Boy was I wrong. You can't see it but it is snowing again in this picture. This is the view from my family room. To tell you the truth, I don't really mind winter all that much because this veiw is pretty awesome.
I couldn't resist showing you this picture of my puppy, well almost a year old, Josie. Isn't she sweet? Well, sometimes...she is a chewer and loves to eat my wool. The rug she is sitting on is a reproduction of an antique rug. I bought it at my sister-in-laws store Yellow Creek Trading Company in Peninsula, Ohio. In addition to home furnishings, they sell the best food items. The spicy corn relish is a must! Maria


  1. Lori does make AWESOME stuff! I love the bunny box too! Your puppy is a sweete ~ what a precious face! Great rug too!

  2. Marie, Josie is precious...of course you know I have a BIG OLE soft spot for hounds!!!!
    The bunny was past glorious!!!
