Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just found another rug

that I had hooked a while ago and tucked away in my studio. Geeshhh...I need to stop doing that. Hopefully, I'll get it loaded on my website later tonight. I had a hard time getting a good picture of it color wise due to the lateness in the day. This rug is similar in design to my Ohio Farmhouse rug but has different trees...which I like. It is 16.5" by 28" and the pattern sells for $50 plus shipping.

It was warmer here today, in the low 40's, but still good weather for winter sports. Dave went snowmobiling for a couple of hours in the afternoon. We'll have snow on the ground til mid April maybe hoo. I envy all of you that will have daffodils, hyacinth and tulips soon. Here's another one of my little hooked mats that makes me smile and think of spring.

Last night Dave and I went to a charity fund raiser for our local Fireman's association. It reminded me that our firemen are brave men and women that put their lives in danger each and every day for our safety. Please remember what our firemen do for us and keep them in your thoughts. Maria

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