Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hooking when and whenever you can!

Here was my in flight entertainment over the weekend. 
Have you ever hooked on a plane before?  I lucked out in an aisle seat and no one in the middle. 
In the next few days, I'll share photos from the class in Seattle. There were great rugs being created! Maria 


  1. Did anyone ask you what you were doing? On a boat, on a plane....I guess you DO hook anywhere and everywhere! lol Look forward to seeing the pics from your class. Hugs, Lori

  2. Lucky you, and they didn't try to take away you hook (weapon)? I'm liking the Santa I see there and looking forward to seeing more of him and your class pictures.


  3. Great info ~ didn't know we could hook on a plane!! Cute Santa!

  4. Great info ~ didn't know we could hook on a plane!! Cute Santa!

  5. Cute. But I am surprised they let you take a rug hook in a carry on bag. The last time I flew the restrictions for "potential weapons" was ridiculous! Like I could kill someone or take down a plane with nail clippers!!!

  6. Good for you. Love to see more of that Santa.

  7. Hi Maria,
    So happy you got a little "hooking" time on the plane! Thank you again for a wonderful class, I had an amazing time! Loved every minute!!
    Hugs, Mona
