Thursday, January 10, 2013

Remember this sheep?

Someone asked about the status of my sheep and as usual I was not happy with it and when I'm not happy with something I put it aside. And that my friends is why I have so many darn unfinished projects. If the project is not humming along all hunky dorry, often I start something else like... Sweet Bea. When someone asked me about the sheep, I decided to pull it out and work on it again tonight. My main frustration, and believe me there are many things that frustrate me, but the main one is the bright colors. It is very bright and while that normally doesn't bother me, it does this time. Also I'm not an artist so it is a little frustrating trying to figure out perspective, shading just to name a few. But I am determined to become better and am going to make time to draw or paint everyday.
Here is what the photo looks like tonight after I worked on it for a couple of hours.
This is what the sheep looked like after painting.  It is not as bright in the painting.

Here is what it looked like when I put it aside.

It looks a little better but I'm still dealing with those bright colors. I played around with textures in the sheep and think I am happy with it.  It is kind of amazing what you can do with simple things like paper.

Thanks for the nudge to work on this project again.  While I am not entirely happy with it, I did try a few new techniques and learned how to do a few new things. Thanks for stopping by, Maria


  1. I think it looks great love all the different papers you are using. So unique!

  2. Thanks Ginger..It is time consuming but I'm loving playing with it right now. Maria

  3. Maria,
    I think it looks great too! Lori

  4. Maria,
    I love all the textures and layering! What a fun piece!
    I would love to try some different mediums myself.... you are inspiring and I think you are a wonderful artist!!

    Cathy G

  5. I like the bright colours, makes for a good contrast with the black and white of the sheep. Especially like the 3D effect you get with the paper.

  6. Thanks Maria, for answering my question. I like the bright colors very much - they are very clear and it looks like a bright, happy day to me. You are more Primitive in spirit than I am.... ;-D ... but I would leave them!

  7. Oh wow I think this looks great Maria! I wish I could push myself to try something like this, I have no confidence in something I don't know. If I spend a lot of time on something and then I don't like it I feel like I've wasted my time....kind of like looking at the glass half full or half empty.

