Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Arrowhead Rug Camp Pictures

Don't you just love seeing what people are hooking at camp? Here are some pictures from the students in my class at Arrowhead Rug Camp in Duluth, Minnesota. First up is Miss Nancy with her Native American rug. Nancy had a picture of an embroidered piece and let me tell you the hooking had to be small to do this rug justice! And I'm not a fine hooker but Nancy schooled me on the art of fine hooking.
Nancy was a character and kept calling Peggy.. Pegachontas. So when we had show and tell of our rugs, Peggy played the part and surprised Nancy with her rendition of the Native American princess.

This is the other rug Nancy was working on during camp.
Peggy was working on a Magdalena Briner rug.  Isn't is fabulous? 
Here is a closeup of her horse.

 Prudence was also working on the same rug.  Isn't it interesting how two rugs can look so different?  Prudence's rug is awesome as well.
Here are few closeups of Prudence's horses.
Anne was working on my Lazy Sheep pattern and was playing with directional hooking in the sheep. 
The colors aren't doing justice to this rug.  It is great.
Jackie was working on this flower rug and the colors are just terrific.  The background is a great deep purple and blue.
Love Kathy's rug.  The wools, mainly her stash, were so yummy.  We had a lot of fun playing with textures in this rug. The colors in the rug are much more muted in real life and not so bright.

Mary had started this rug in another workshop so we tweaked a bit.  She changed the background and added several different wools to it to give it more movement and interest.  Also, she added rolled wool circles into the umbrella.  So cute.

Her mother in law, Pat was hooking a rendition of the an antique rug. Pat was having fun hooking with lots of textures.  She would want me to make sure you know that she is changing the bright white in the door.  The left corner of this rug was rather bare so we added the sun to the left corner of the rug. 
Judy drew her version of American Gothic using horses. So Clever!  She was doing the most amazing things with the hair on the horses.  Check out the closeup of pictures. Incredibly creative! Judy is an amazing artist!

 And last but not least....fitting since this rug featured the hind end of the circus animals...... is Jackie's rug.  Jackie is a fellow Michigander hailing from Traverse City.  This is a fun rug and Jackie was having fun hooking it.

Unfortunately, I missed a few of the rugs in my class.  Dawn was hooking the most amazing lion rug.  Sue was going wild with a Halloween Pattern.  Darlene was hooking a cute little frog rug and Nancy and I were learning about value in the floral rug she was working on.  They were all terrific rugs as well and I'm bummed I missed taking a picture of them.
Thanks for stopping by, Maria


  1. I do love to see what everyone is hooking. Great color and inspiration.

  2. Yes, it is always great to see what is being hooked at workshops!! Love the flower rug!! ~Cammie~

  3. What a treat to see so much creativity. I am almost finished with my Happy Jack from you, Maria. It is really wonderful. I used a lot the marbleized wool that I dyed. I will send pictures when it is finished.

  4. What a treat to see so much creativity. I am almost finished with my Happy Jack from you, Maria. It is really wonderful. I used a lot the marbleized wool that I dyed. I will send pictures when it is finished.

  5. I don't see where I can purchase the pattern "The Little Red Hen". Thanks.

  6. kathi, This was not my pattern and I don't remember whose it was. If it comes to me, I'll let you know. Maria

  7. Thanks for the rug show, and YES we always love seeing rugs being worked on. I love horses so therefore the American Gothic with horses is my fav.


  8. Am loving all the rugs... BUT, everytime I see a Magdalena B. style rug, I get the itch to hook one. ~Anita

  9. Oh my! I am in-love with the "Little Red Hen" Whose pattern is it?
