Sunday, July 8, 2012


So like many of you, I HAVE TOO MUCH WOOL, and with shipments of more wool expected soon I have to clear some space.  I'm letting go of some oldies but goodies at bargain basement prices.  It will be on a first email basis. My email is
All wool will sell for $10 a yard.  The first wool on the selling block is a fun little plaid that I've used for flowers and stars.  I have about 2 yards left. 

The wool below is a great little plaid that overdyes well.  I have about 4 yards of it left.
This wool is perfect for backgrounds.  I mix it in with dark greens and blacks for an antique look.  I have about 4 yards of it in my stash. 

Another great wool for backgrounds.  It also hooks up great as a horse or house.  I only have two yards of it left. SOLD OUT
This is the perfect wool for hooking trees.  Only about 2 yards of this wool left. SOLD OUT

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