Monday, April 16, 2012

Teaching at Camp Punderson

The week before Easter I had the privilege of teaching at Camp Punderson in
 Ohio. What a delightful place for a rug hooking camp.  The location is terrific,
 the food is wonderful and the rug hookers fun and friendly.  My class was one of the most
 lively ones in recent history.  We were is a small room so we heard all the conversations 
and let me tell you there were some interesting ones, right ladies???  The phrase
 "what happens at rug camp stays at rug camp" was heard more than once.  

For once, I was good about taking pictures and have pictures of
  everyones rugs in progress.  Because I have so many pictures, 
I'll do it in two posts. 

The first rug is Jane and let me tell you this Michigan gal is
 the proddy queen.  She does the most amazing things with wool. 
 The rug, which she designed, reads "Family, Friends and Rug Hooking 
Make My World Bloom".  Isn't it wonderful?  During class, I 
showed her how to do quill circles which she added to her proddied flowers
 and the herringbone stitch which she used for her flower vines.  

Karen's rug is a M. Shaw pattern that is fun and when Karen said she 
wanted a turquoise background, I thought "cool we are going to have 
some fun with this rug" and did we ever!

On the black chicken, Karen added quilled circles to the chicken. 
 For the quills, she picked up wool strips from all the colors in the rug.  

For the red chicken,(now here is where Karen thought I was a little crazy),
 I nudged, well convinced, her to needle felt the polka dots onto the chicken.
  It turned out terrific!  I think she may be a believer!  Oh and I love the
 colors she hooked into the chicken, reds, orange and pinks wool. 

The purple house kind of grounds the rug in a weird way and makes a fun statement. 

 For the border, Karen is beading a double row of black and white
 around the edges to give it a modern look.  This rug was out of Karen's
 box and I think she enjoyed it.  

Karen's rug was awesome and she did a great job with it. 
 From the wonderful spot dyed wool that she dyed specially
 for the rug to the delicate wools for the pumpkins, this rug is going
 to be spectacular when done.

Closeup of Karen's rug.

 Sarah was hooking an adaption of "Welcome to Turkey Hill"
 and isn't it great?  She captured the turkey perfectly.
Closeup of Turkey.

This Primitive Grace design was hooked by Debi and she is doing a
 great job with it. I love how four of five colors make such a statement with this rug.

Closeup of the colors in this rug

Fritz was hooking a Katherine Porter design and was using paisley in a unique way in
 the rug. Instead of hooking it she, sewed it into the rug.  By sewing it into the rug, you 
could see the weave of the paisley. This rug is stunning and will make quite a statement when done.  

Phyllis was hooking a flower and it was spectacular.  I wish I could 
say I had some part in this rug, but I can't.  Phyllis has an awesome 
color sense when it comes to flowers and she just went to town with this rug.  
Check out these flowers. So wonderful!


Stay tuned for more pictures tomorrow.  Maria


  1. That is a room of talent for sure can't wait to see more.

  2. How do you sew fabric into a rug?

  3. Love to see all the pictures and wish that I could have been there! What inspirations you all are.
