Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Finish and Exercise

Today's finish comes from Anne and she hooked the Halloween Hooligan pattern.  This pattern is fun to hook and provides opportunity for creativity.   Anne's colors are wonderfully primitive and her hooking looks terrific.  This rug just makes me smile!  Thanks for sharing and keep the pictures coming.

On another note, how many of you had New Year's Resolutions to exercise?  I did and I even started early.  My fitness routine started the Wednesday before Christmas.  Along with the exercise (and I have been faithful), I have been really good with my diet.  So this morning when I hopped on the scale after almost 6 weeks of daily exercise and healthy eating, the scale registered a big fat 0 for my weight loss.  Zero, Nada Zilch weight lost!   Grhhhh.....I was ticked.  I knew that I was doing something right though because my clothes are now loose and some too big.But let me tell you Zero weight loss was just hard to comprehend. It wasn't until I stumbled upon this picture (I know it is gross but powerful) that I regained my willpower and focus to carry on this exercise routine.   Hope this motivates you like it did me.

Changing the subject again on you, I was impressed with Kris Miller and her blog where she documented a "rug a day" for a month and thought I might try something similar but on a much smaller scale. Thanks for the inspiration, girlfriend!  My goal is to write a post for the next two weeks, leading up to Valentine's Day.  Each day I will show either a rug, a piece of folk art with hearts or a handmade item to inspire you to create something from the heart with hearts!  Maria


  1. Hi Maria
    Loved Kris's rug of the day so I'm really anxious to see what you come up with! I know how you feel about the zero weight loss, but keep going....you're on the right track!!!


  2. That is so true though...Lean muscle actualy weighs more that fat but takes up less space..as the pic clearly shows...I am on the road to more weight loss...I get excited to think also, that muscle has a memory...If you had lean muscle from excercise or weight training at one time, it takes less time for you to re-build muscle than someone who never had it..
    Love the rug a day !!
    ( your design is wonderful and FUN !! )

  3. the rug turned out Great!
    Looking forward to your posts and seeing what you share with us.
    Don't give up with the exercise. It will be your best benefit in the long run, you will feel so much better! Don't worry about the numbers :)
