Thursday, December 9, 2010

Creative Rug Hooking Blog Challenge


Recently, I asked three of my teaching friends who also have blogs if they wanted to participate in a challenge. My thoughts behind the challenge were to make the four of us think outside the box and come up with some new ideas for classes. Below you will find the statement that each of us have posted on our blogs. The deadline is the 20th of December and I have no idea what I am going to do. I hoping this weekend my creative juices will start flowing. Maria

In an effort to expand our rug hooking creativity,

Maria Barton
Alice Frazier
Kris Miller
Ali Strebel

have joined together to challenge one another to come up with fresh new ideas for rug hooking projects. How the challenge works is simple. Over the next few months, one of us will take the lead and will send items to the each other to use in our rug hooking project. The only requirements are that the project involve rug hooking and all items received be used in the challenge. The leader of the challenge can designate a theme if she wishes.
We will have deadlines for the projects and will post the deadline along with the items received for the challenge on our blogs hopefully on the 20th of the month. The day of the deadline, we will post on our blogs the finished project along with links to the other participants finished projects. Our hope in this challenge, is to inspire you to think outside the box, use new materials in your rug hooking projects and to be creative. If you would like to participate in the challenge with us, you can contact the leader of the challenge to purchase the items. Thanks for allowing us to share the works of our hands with you.


  1. Can't wait to see what your creative minds come up with!

  2. I'm very interested to see what your creative girls come up with!


