Sunday, November 15, 2009

Look what a 6 year old designed!

My little one is so curious about my rug hooking and the business end of it. She also loves to draw. After reading the Susie Stephenson book "Designing and Hooking Primitive Rugs", I told her to draw me some things to hook. Here is first design. Don't you just love the whimsy of a child. We have named him "Bedhead". It will be available for purchase as a pattern. To teach her about business, I told my little entrepreneur I would give her a percentage of each pattern sold. To which she replied, ah mom, what about something for designing the pattern. She'll do just fine in the business world!

Here is a picture that she drew in art class. Isn't it fun? Love the magenta hair.


  1. Wow, 6 years old? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree that's for sure! She's got talent, and it sounds like she has been watching and listening to the business end of it all too lol. Thanks for sharing!

  2. kathy,
    I have three other patterns of hers ready to be hooked. Right now I'm working on a puppy dog she drew for me. It is a present for my neice's baby shower. It is a hoot! Maria

  3. Tell Miss C that I would love to be her first customer and would like one of her fabulous cat designs and that I'm sorry she didn't get to spend more time with Zoe and I on Saturday!


  4. I knew you'd be inspired by that book, too!! Your little girl's drawing is adorable!! So is her mom!!

  5. Amazing Maria! Your daughter certainly shows talent and at such a young age! Love the kitty rug.

    Thanks for visiting my blog :) I've been a big fan of your designs and hooking for awhile now. I see you live in Michigan! I was born and raised there but am now in way too hot Florida.

  6. I'd like to be the second customer! It will be awhile before Miss Livvie can draw designs for me.

    Be sure to let us know in AAPG when this is really available! Jo

  7. What a talented little girl! Just love her designs. I think she is taking after her Mom.

  8. WOW! You have quite the talent in your family! The rug is sweet and that witchie looks like expensive modern art! She will do just fine in the world! Big hugs!

  9. What TALENT! :) Thank you for sharing & I'm looking forward to seeing even more!

  10. Thanks everyone! She will be thrilled with all your comments. I'm sure she will be chomping at the bit to start designing more! Kids drawings are so simple and sweet. Maria

  11. Love her pattern! Can't wait to see the rest of her line!

  12. She is definitely a budding artist, love her new painting.


  13. What a talented young lady you have there. "Bedhead" is cute, cute, cute. Tell her to keep drawing and designing!

  14. Those are fabulous, Maria! What a talent she has ~ adore that witch, and Bedhead is PerFect! She could put together a book of designs and sell it for her college fund!
