Tuesday, August 4, 2020

It's a Fabric NoteBook

Do you remember this stack of fabric?  

This is what I created with it. 

 A Fabric NoteBook. I'm so excited to start adorning it with bits and pieces and little treasures.   Remember that little punch needle sampler I posted on facebook a couple of weeks ago?  This one? 

 Well, it is just a memory and saved pictures now.  I had all my notes on the backside of the fabric and I needed to buy some floss so I took it with me to JoAnn's shopping and along the way I lost it.  Someone in Petoskey, Michigan is wondering what the heck it is. Lol! 

 Anyways, I realized I needed something a little more substantial for my notes and samples and I remembered the wonderful fabric notebook that Michele Palmer was creating for her rug hooking dye samples.  Have you seen her book?  You can check it out on her Facebook page. Click the link to see a sample of her Fabric Book & Illustrations It contains her wonderful illustrations along with samples of dyed wool.  Eye candy for sure! Rest assured my Notebook won't be nearly as wonderful as hers but it will do the trick.

So let me show you some of the pages I created. This is the front of the book. 

 It is about 8.5 inches wide and 7 tall.  And before you ask, I didn't have a pattern, I just flew by the seat of my pants on this one.

Inside cover and first page.

This is where I had some fun playing with my sewing machine.  I added decorative embroidery stiches to the edges so they wouldn’t continue to fray.  And that's something I learned...how to fray fabric.  Mind you I didn't do a real good job and probably should have watched a YouTube video but it works for now.

Second and Third pages


Third page

Fourth and Fifth Pages

Sixth and Seventh Pages

Eighth and Ninth Pages.  

See the stitching down the center?  After I cut out and decorated all the pages, I simply sewed the book down the middle.The remaining pages are just the reverse of the previous pages.

Practice stitches with my sewing machine.

Learning to fray material.

For the cover of the book, I cut out 2 pieces of the red fabric along with a piece of batting and sewed them together to give a little weight to the cover of the book.

So what do you think?  Anyone else going to create one? 
 Happy Creating, Maria 


  1. Your book is lovely Maria! You did an excellent job. I’m probably not going to make one but I do love yours❣️❤️

  2. Wow woman, you're reaching out into unknown territories now. Am proud of you but do miss your hooking. In addition to my office day job back in the day (yeah, you had one of those too but think you wore a robe for your day job ;) I used to make dolls, made my own clothes etc.
    Then I discovered rug hooking and there went the knitting, dollmaking and everything else. So have fun discovering your notebook and beyond.

  3. Uncharted territory is Right! Don't worry Saundra I'm still hooking. I have a rug or two in the works.

  4. Thanks Judy! Love seeing all your punch needle creations.
