Sunday, October 19, 2014

Depth perception

Recently I taught a class in Manistee, Michigan for a delightful group of hookers. They asked me to design several patterns for them to choose from and this was one of the patterns. What I didn't realize when I designed it was (for a primitive hooker like me) what an exercise in depth perception this pattern would be for me. 
When I hooked the  pattern, my fence was nearly as tall as my barn which was not good. I also realized I had to break up the background to create some more depth in the pattern. Color is a great way to create depth but so is direction. Between the sky and ground there is adequate contrast however between the two grass colors, I needed more differentiation than just the colors.
This is where I hooked the lower grass on an angle. I also hooked a very narrow dark beauty line between the sky and two patches of grass which helps separate the areas. 
After taking this picture and studying it, I can see I need to correct a few things. Looking at your rug through the eye of a camera helps you really get a good feel for how your rug looks. In mine, I can see that I need to add dark faces and ears to my little sheep in the background.
 Also, see that pesky orange piece of wool in the second layer  of grass on the left side? It looked great when I hooked it. Yeah, well that will be coming out of the rug. 
In the first picture can you see all those holes on the right side of the sheep?  That was another attempt to create some separation between the grasses. I had hooked the lower level of grasses in higgly piggly Deane Fitzpatrick style but it didn't look right so out it came. Here is what it used to look like. It just didn't work. I reverse hook a lot, how about you? 
Hopefully, I'll finish this rug in the next days and will post a finished picture of it. 


  1. Thanks for the great rug hooking lesson Maria! I love your rug. It will be one of my favs of your designs I think. I'm wanting to hook that double sheep rug again and do the sheep like your student did them. They were awesome! Have a great day, Lori

  2. When I saw the 1st picture,I thought wow that's a really cool rug. But as I scrolled down reading what you wrote and looking at the pictures it all made sense!! Yes the 1st picture showed a really neat rug but your lessons showed how it could be a better rug!!! Very nice thank you!!

  3. I love it when you share. Thanks.

    The rug is too cute for words and very educational.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to post such useful information! LOVE that rug, but I love all of your patterns. I am currently (finally!) hooking the Santa and Sheep pattern I got from you probably 3 years ago. A fun hook!
    Hugs :)

  5. I enjoy seeing my pieces in photos and I always see things I could have done differently. Unless it is really bad or bugs me, I usually leave my imperfections in, part of the fun of folk art;)


  6. that is such a great teaching piece. thank you for the pictures and why you made the changes.

  7. This rug is beautiful. It is one of the prettiest I have seen. A hooked version of a landscape. Just beautiful.
