What a fun week spent with wonderful ladies at Punderson! The class was full of the loveliest gals who were also rug hooking machines. Just check out the rugs. This is Gail's Garden Rabbit (we had three of them) and her colors were soft and old looking. The second picture is her rabbit completed. Isn't it grand?
The next picture is Patti's Garden Rabbit. Isn't it wonderful as well? We had a few laughs in class about the little rug the rabbit was sitting on. . . a rug in the garden, seriously ladies (* wink, wink*)? I'm still chuckling about it! Patti is a hooking machine and I'm sure this rug is completed.
Jamie's Garden rabbit was so wonderfully primitive! Love, love, love it as well!
Don't you just love Nancy's primitive version of this pattern? I just love the rusty red wool for Santa's jacket and grungy background wool. Aren't the teal mittens just a great surprise of color?
Nancy hooked the beard in a higgly piggly method to give the beard texture. Fantastic, right?
Oh and I so loving Liz's Chief Massasoit. The colors make my heart go pitter patter!
D'awn and Chris both hooked the pattern, Ohio is my Dwelling Place ( which could easily be changed to "This is my dwelling place" for all you non Ohio people!) and did an awesome job.
This is D'awn version of the rug and the colors are really warm and primitive. She came up with idea of putting rolled circles in the border and it is going to look really neat when done! I love the way the house glows. It looks like the lights are on in the home!

The picture below is Chris's version of Ohio is my dwelling Place. Chris was trying to match the colors in the rug to an antique painted chest that will be in the same room. Her colors are warm and primitive as well!
Sue chose to hook the liberty rug below and she was hooking it so quickly that I was afraid she would finish it before class ended. We discussed adding a hit or miss border to rug and Sue was a trooper and agreed. And I just love it! I liked the rug before but this border enhances the rug so much! Thanks for being up for the challenge Sue.

Rebecca was hooking the "Sweet Bea" pattern and was going to town on the rug. Did I fail to mention this was the second pattern she worked on during class? She finished Freida the Friendly Witch pattern but had taken it to her car before I got a picture of it.

Linda designed her own pattern and it was as sweet as it could be. Click on the photo to see the closeup of the squirrel. Linda hooked her loops higher to make the tail fluffy.

The next two rugs were designed by Judy for she and her sister to hook. Judy is a fine hooker and was doing a lot with shading and sculpting to give her pumpkin a lot of dimension. Isn't he wonderful?

Lou on the other hand, was looking for a rug in a little bit of a wider cot and was letting the design of the rug dictate the character.

These two rugs and the sisters who were hooking these rugs just make me smile.
And last but not least is Lana's rug. Lana designed this rug herself and it is a pine tree with all kinds of different animals nestled into the branches of the tree . . . And animals not necessarily indigenous to pine trees.
See what I mean? Awesome rugs from incredibly talented and creative ladies. How lucky was I to spend a few days with these ladies.
Thanks for stopping by, Maria