Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Collage Class

What fun we had at our impromptu collaging class. I am a novice when it comes to collaging but a few of my pals were interested in learning so we scheduled a date and collaged our hearts away.

Shelly, fellow hockey play, collaging this sweet little bird. I was blown away by this bird as I really had no idea that Shelly was artistically inclined. Not only is her design wonderful but she collaged the background in a manner that I would have never imagined. She tore the paper into long strips and collaged them diagonally. Very clever. We'll be spending more time together off the ice collaging!

Here are the girls. The three on on the left are all fellow hockey players. Don't they look to sweet to be hockey players?

This flower is Holly's gem. Holly is incredibly talented artistically. This was very intricate and going to be hard to collage into between all those petals but if anyone can do it Holly will. I can't wait to see it this week. Several years ago when I taught a rug hooking class to my pals, Holly really took to the craft and hooked an amazing butterfly for her first rug.....

Here it is.....amazing for her first rug!

This is Melissa's collage and it is sweet as can be. She included sentiments for each of her three kids in it.
This is Amy's collage and it turned out great as well. She painted some of her kid's homework paper and included it in the collage. I love her "Amy -n- Doug" graffiti.

Dee made this collage and the "H" stands for her last name and Home. Isn't that cool? She too has sweet sentiments for three kids in this collage.
Last but not least is Tracey's collage. She made photocopies of some of her daughter's important paperwork like birth certificate, footprints and birth records. It is just as precious as it can be.

We are meeting again next week and I can't wait to see what this creative bunch of ladies does next. Thanks for stopping by, Maria
PS. Yes, I still am hooking and will have few finishes or works in progress to share in the next couple of posts.


  1. Very cool! Wish I was closer.
    Hugs :)
    P.S. You don't look like a hockey player either :)

  2. So interesting!!! Looks like they are all pretty artistic! you've started a new art form~ at least new to me!!! Love them all!!!

  3. Really neat collages by everyone! You have some talented friends. I never thought you looked like a hockey player either but I've seen you play so I know it's true! hugs, Lori

  4. Fantastic collages!!

    Enjoy your day~Becky
