Saturday, February 2, 2013

Finished Tulip Heart Collage

I've had a few requests to see the finished Tulip Heart collage but I've had a dickens of a time capturing a good photo of it.  The photos are not the best but you'll at least get an idea of what it looks like. Here are three pictures of the collage.  It is now available as a pattern for $30. 

Today I'm finishing an order fora collage of my Count Dracula and prepping for a class that I'll be teaching on collaging. Some friends are enamored with this craft as much as I am and wanted to learn so add collaging onto the resume!   Hopefully, I'll finish the sample for the class today and share it with you tomorrow.  Oh, and the Count Dracula in the hooked version is almost complete and I can't wait to show you how cute he is hooked!   Stay tuned.  Maria


  1. BEAUTIFUL !!! Are you making a Tulip Rug as well ?? If so, can't wait to see it !!

  2. Hi Maria! This is just beautiful~ LOVE the colors and the depth this piece has ~ I'll be looking forward to seeing many more of these from you ~ I can tell that you're loving collage ~ it surekly shows in your handwork :)
    Blessed be,
