Saturday, January 12, 2013

What's on my art table today

Yeah I have some fancy art's called my kitchen island!  I keep trying to convince my husband to build me a nice big art room where I can have all my vices supplies but it hasn't happened and not likely to in the future. So I'll continue to plod away on the kitchen Island.
Meet the next two pieces of art (if you can call it that) to be papered.  Mister Goat and Count Dracula. I've already started hooking Count Dracula but he seemed like a fun piece to paper collage. I have to finish up some loose ends on a project I need to photo but hope to find some time tonight to collage.  The tricky part for Mister Goat is trying to capture the right perspective.  He is supposed to be peeking his head out of the barn.  Do you all see that?   My husband is dubious whether I can pull it off.  Oh just give me a challenge.   If I make blog worthy progress, I'll post some pictures tonight. Have a great weekend. Maria


  1. Count Dracula is a cute little guy!! And I love your goat!!

  2. Love them bother already. All your designs are awesome.

  3. The goat looks curious to me. I finally got back into my google acct, so I can leave comments. Jonut :)
