The ladies in my class were some of the sweetest around. I had the best time and enjoyed spending time with them. It's funny because when I teach, I always gain so much from my class whether it be new hooking techniques, good recipes or just life lessons and always walk away feeling blessed and enriched by the class. And this group of ladies was no exception.
The ladies were working on some fun rugs and here they are:
Diane LeGros was a speedy little hooker and finished Snowguy and started Tilda. Aren't they both darling? Diane was experimenting with Sari Ribbon and making ruffles in Tilda's dress.
Colleen was working on Halloween Hooligans and was a hooking machine. This is a big rug and she got a heck a lot of it done.
Carolyn asked me to design a rug for her with the words TRICK or TREAT SMELL my FEET or GIVE me SOMETHING GOOD to EAT and you all know I couldn't turn down that request. It is a big pattern which will be offered on my website once I hook it. It has a couple of new characters in it that are fun: a Devil Girl and Vampire! Carolyn was doing a great job with this pattern.
Janet was working on a Emma Lou Lais pattern and it was amazing. She was hooking the fur around the mane of the lion at different heights to give it more dimensions. I didn't do a great job of getting a good picture but let me just say...wonderful! 
Janie was working on my Blessed Be pattern. We tweaked the words to fit with her homestead. My colors are showing up a little too bright but trust me the colors are very pleasing in this rug. The orange circles at the bottom of the rug were needle felted onto the rug. Pretty neat, eh?
Jeanne was working on winterwalk and doing a fantastic job. Can you believe she has been hooking less than 9 months? I'd be to embarrassed to show my rugs at the 9 month mark!
Julie requested a tree skirt for her pattern so I designed one for her by combining my antique santa pattern, winterwalk pattern and log cabin with deer. Let me just say, this is going to be fabulous when it is done. Julie is a terrific hooker and has a great sense of color.
This is Mary's rug and it just makes me smile. Mary wanted to hook my Happy Jack pattern exactly like my sample was hooked but I nudged her a little to embellish him and with the help of her buddy Colleen Mary embraced Happy Jack. Don't you just love the zipper mouth filled with buttons? And those eyes are perfect for this guy! Way to work outside of your box Mary!
Closeup of Mary's Mouth.
Barb was working on Grinning Ghouls and having fun with the quilly eyes. She has this innate sense of color and the colors she puts together are so soft and wonderful. Check out what we came up with for her border off to the right side of the rug. It is going to really make this rug POP! Barb is an amazing seamstress and makes the most wonderful little bags with wool and penny circles. They make me smile!
This is Freda's rug and she is a new hooker as well. Didn't she do a terrific job with this pattern? She tried several techniques in her rugs including hooking with roving (see the Santa beard) and proddy (see the left edge of the rug). Freda is going to turn this pattern into a pillow and it is going to be just perfect with the proddy fringe.
Unfortunately, I'm missing a few rugs from two of my students, Marsha and Janie. They left before I could snap pictures of their rugs.
Here is a picture of us all. Yes, I know I have my eyes closed in this picture but it was good of everyone else so I took a hit for the good of all, LOL!
Ohhhh, see at the bottom of this picture the penny circles. That is one of Barb's creations!She made a pad protector (so she doesn't rub her arms against the grippers of her frame) for her frame out of wool. Wouldn't that be wonderful to look at while hooking your rug?
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be updating in next few days with pictures of the rug show from camp. Maria