Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Heart Inspiration Day 8

I couldn't resist starting this post with this sweet little photo of the kittens.  Too cute!

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Today's rug inspiration was a rug hooked by Alice Frazier and you can find her blog here
She hooked this Woolley Fox pattern at our annual trip to Barb Carrolls home. Isn't it lovely?

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One of my weaknesses is jewelry and I just love this silver leather combo bracelet.  Swoon!  Maybe you could drop a hint to your husbands and significant others to inspire them to purchase for Valentine's Day.
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Til Tomorrow, Maria


  1. Wow Maria you certainly are sharing some wonderful inspiration with all these beautiful rugs!
    Love the bracelet, too :)

  2. Awww, those kittens are adorable :).
    Love the hooked piece. Nice and small and can be done up quickly. She did a lovely job.
    Those bracelets are really nice too. I just wish my wrist wasn't so darn small :(

  3. wonderful rug. I have a few pieces I wear for jewelery and that is about it.

  4. Did you notice that your sweet kitties are snuggled up in the form of a heart?! How special!

  5. Mia, love the bracelet. Have you ordered from this company in China before?

  6. Are they your kitties? Too cute and so tiny...makes me want to run out to the shelter and add to our pair. Love the rug too!

  7. Hi there! Just catching up on my blog reading - surprised to see my rug - thank you! I'm enjoying all your hearts in their various forms - and I'm checking out this new form of exercise you mentioned in your latest post pronto!
