Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Brown Bag Popcorn

This is my new favorite "go to" snack. It is easy to make and good for you as well. All you need is a brown paper lunch bag, 1/4 cup of un-popped popcorn kernels and scotch tape. Put the kernels in the bag, fold the bag over twice and seal with tape. Place the bag in the microwave on high, laying the bag down or upright either way works fine, and cook for two to three minutes or until there is 3-5 seconds between pops.
To keep the popcorn as fat free as possible, I spray the popcorn (after it is popped) with fat-free spray butter (not butter but tastes like it and it has no calories) and sprinkle with salt. It is kind of like air popper without the hassle.

We have a new saying at work....is it "popcorn-thirty yet?". Everyday around 3:30 someone makes a bag. Yum. Just writing about it makes me hungry.
The perfect snack for all of you thinking about diet and exercise for your New Years resolutions. Maria


  1. I did not know you could do that...thanks for the good idea! I love popcorn!

  2. I love popcorn and fix it almost every night. The only problem is that I have to share with three Scotties! I will try your trick!

  3. Wow...what a great way to pop popcorn !!! Have to try that too !!!

  4. Who doesn't love popcorn. This sounds like a great way to have popcorn at work.

    I am wondering what your day job is or is Star Rug Company your full time job?

  5. What a great idea...gonna try it!

  6. Wonderful idea for the popcorn! We just had some using the "airpoper"
    and really made a mess of it all over the floor.

    Am interested in the glass cloth...
    would like to get one or two from you, please.

  7. Wonderful idea for the popcorn! We just had some using the "airpoper"
    and really made a mess of it all over the floor.

    Am interested in the glass cloth...
    would like to get one or two from you, please.
