Sunday, March 20, 2011

Challenge Pictures.....

I knew before I received the box of materials from Alice, what I was going to do. The challenge for me was to work the materials Alice sent to me into the purse I wanted to make. Ali Strebel's purses are the bomb and I was hoping I could combine the materials into the purse somehow. Here is the link to All's website where you can purchase the book. I have made several of these bags and I love them.

So here is what I came up with. I made the purse out of wool and a fun cotton lining.

The three hooked stars have the wool, paisly, yarn, sweater material and ribbon hooked into them.

Below is one of the wool circles that I added to the purse. I added some decorative stitching to the wool.

Don't you love the fun orange lining fabric in the purse?

Here is a picture of the side of the purse. You can see the yellow wool yarn that I made into the button. I love how the purse folds when the straps are pulled (thanks to the grommets).

Check out Ali , Alice and Kris's
projects They all did a great job!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the pictures. This is going to be the last challenge project for a few months. All four of us get really busy in the spring/summer/fall and we thought it best if we take a break for a few months. I for one am so happy we decided to do these challenges as I have learned so much. From new techniques to new color combinations, it has been a growing process for me.


  1. Love it!!! No wonder it didn't matter what I was sending ~ I couldn't figure that out!!! Great looking bag and great use of that 'conglomeration'!!!!!

  2. LOVING this bag!
    I will have to pick up one of these patterns,

    Great job using the materials.


  3. So funny that you should post this today. I went to a hook-in this weekend and ended up buying that pattern to make that same bag! I love the pockets on the side....great place to throw your car keys.....mine always end up WAY in the bottom of my purse and I'm always "digging" for them!
    Cute, cute, cute!

  4. Another great Challenge interpretation.

  5. Maria,
    Your bag turned out neat! Cute model too!

  6. I've had that pattern for years and years and haven't made it up yet - but after seeing yours I'll have to dig it out and get busy! I do have a question - did you hook the stars THROUGH the wool fabric? Or are they stitched on afterwards?
