With my "What I'm work on Wednesday" segment. Sorry about that. Before I show you my rugs for the week, I want to share this picture with you.

Dave laid down to give Josie (dog)some attention and Iggy {black cat} couldn't stand it. He is obsessed with Dave and wants his attention constantly. SO...he crawled on Dave's back. Isn't that a hoot? See Maggie on the chair as well. All three animals love the fire and they are usually all curled up around the fire every night.
I finished my hit or miss rug for my SIL. {Lynne, if you are reading this, it is in the mail}.

This rug was a great way to use up all those excess worms. Plus, I learned alot about color combination while hooking in the "hit or miss" style. Because I was not particular about colors for the background, I just picked up a worm and hooked it without being concerned about color. As a result there were some pretty neat and interesting color combinations that I would have never used if I were color planning.
I've also started two other rugs as well. One is for my EAL entry so I can't share too much of that....only one little bit. When I motifs like this star, I hook with many different wools in the same color family. This star, it is finished now, was hooked with 5 to 6 different colors of red. By hooking with a variety of red wools, the motif has more depth and interest.

Are any of you submitting items for the EAL 2011 Directory of Traditional American Crafts? I haven't submitted anything in years but thought I would put myself out there and see what happens.
The deadline is fast approaching, so I have to hook like a mad woman this weekend. I'm really excited about this rug....with both the colors and subject matter. Something a little different for me. I don't mean to keep you in suspense and will share with you when I can.
The other rug was the rug that I was going to enter for EAL but wasn't happy with it....so I started the other one. It was supposed to look like a braided rug but the colors didn't quite work as planned. Although looking at it through the lens of a camera, it doesn't look that bad.

Do you ever take photos of your rugs in progress? It is a great way to help you see if the colors are working in the rug. Enjoy the weekend....I'll be hooking away. Maria