Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What I'm Working on Wednesday.......

Not much I'm sorry to report! As is par for my course, I started another rug before I finished the 20 that are in my art studio.....do any of you have the same problem? Once I have the color planning done with the rug and have hooked on the rug enough to know that the wool will work, I set it aside to start another rug. Here the latest rug on my frame.

A closeup of the face...............

It is my rendition of the antique Santa and Reindeer pattern that is so popular. As many of you know, I have an affinity for sheep so I added a cute little one into this rug. Once I get this guy hooked, it will be available as a pattern....

And of course alot of my time was focused on finishing my Creative Rug Hooking Blog Challenge. Here is a picture of the finished project. More detailed photos can be seen in a few posts back.

I made a little progress on my hit or miss snowman ( and I do mean little!)....

This is a Christmas present so I must work on this little guy pronto!

And last but not least is a cute little snow guy that is almost done......I'm hoping to find a little time to finish all three of these over the holidays.

Many Blessings to you. Maria


  1. I'm REALLY lovin' that Santa and sheep rug!!! I'd like to say hurry and finish that,but I see you've got a lotta hookin' to do to finish your gifts!!!
    I finished your Belsnickle rug and need to get a picture posted of him on my blog. Thanks again for him!!!!
    Now ya better get hookin'on those gifts!!
    I too have LOTS of rugs piled up to do!!! Sometimes ya just can't resist another rug it's a hooker sickness LOL!!!!!

  2. I love your santa and sheep rug. That's one I'll need to purchase from you when you have it ready. Love all your work!!!

    Merry Christmas Maria!!


  3. *****the disease is call advanced hookeritis...symptoms are too much wool, too little time, too many ideas to work out and never any elves around when you need them!
    sorry...no cure!!! but it does make for a happy and peacefilled soul...all of these projects are wonderful and blessings on this holiday
    season from here in new england!

  4. I love your new sheep version, more my style.


  5. Hi Maria - really neat pieces you are hooking right now - love them all! esp. like your wide cut hit-or-miss background for your snowman! BTW, just picked up the newest EAL magazine with the rug hooking article. Such a quality article with great rugs and interesting stories - thanks for taking part! All of the designers/teachers in the article are my favorites - nice to see all of you in such good print!! sandi in texas

  6. Such beautiful rugs...Wishing you a Happy New Year!
