Friday, December 10, 2010

Playing around in my photo editing program

And I came up with this fun Halloween Collage (a little out of season, I know, forgive me) and..... it is a little small and kind of hard to see. I'll be working on how to make it bigger.....but pretty cool for my first time playing around with this program, eh?
This weekend, I am starting a new rug that I designed and will hopefully preview on Monday.....And I probably should get cracking on my Creative Blog Challenge!
Have a good weekend. Maria


  1. You did a wonderful job on it, nice colors.
    What program are you using? I clicked on it and it was larger, so not sure what you meant by bigger?


  2. cute even though it is out of season.

  3. Hi Maria,

    It was fun to be your across the way neighbor at ghoultide!!
    I didn't know you had a blog!

    I'll go add you to mine!!
    Love the dog pics!

    Lori Ann

  4. Like your did a good job!
