Thursday, December 16, 2010

Look what one of my students hooked!

Cora was in my class at Star of Texas in Tyler and hooked this sweet rug. Cora ventured outside her color palette and used great colors like purple. I think the colors are just wonderful and I love this rug. Look how she hooked the hat on the diagonal...very clever. The socks are beaded which is a simple technique that adds so much to a rug. This of my patterns, Mister Snowman, and you can find him on my website. Thanks Cora for sharing your rug with us all!
Speaking of teaching, I'll be adding my teaching schedule for 2011 to the right of the page soon. Maria


  1. what a wonderful job she did! she's a natural, that's for sure...

  2. very nice rug indeed, I particularly like the red bird on the hat!

  3. Cora did an amazing job. Love the beading on the socks. Too cute!
