Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sneak Peak of the Giveaway Rug

As promised, below is a picture of the giveaway rug. It is a remake of a popular antique rug. Details for the giveaway will follow tomorrow. Photobucket
Thank you for the overwhelming response to the Cyber Monday sale. There are still a few hours before the sale ends. See post below for details. Maria


  1. I love this little rug. Now I'm even more anxious for your giveaway! :) Kim

  2. I came across your blog from another person. Wow! your patterns and work are wonderful:) I have always wanted to try to hook a rug. You sure have given me inspiration. I wish I had found your blog on the 29th. Thanks I will keep reading your blog. Karin :)

  3. Beautiful!!!
    Very generous of you Maria.

  4. Oh I do love that rug & I actually have it. I just need to get up the nerve to hook it & I'm so worried I won't make it look as great as you!

  5. Wonderful! I love hooked rugs!

  6. Beautiful rug! What a generous, fantastic giveaway! He would look so wonderful with all of my Santa's. Thanks Maria!

  7. Hi..Just happen to see your rug on Kattywhompus's blog..Beautiful work. Im very excited about the chance on your rug.. I just wished I had your talent..Actually I just started looking at blogs because my good friend Kattywhompus had one and I love reading hers..Hope u have a blessed Christmas..:) Joan

  8. WOW!
    Super cute,
    so glad to have found your blog,

    I would love a chance to win one of your beautiful rugs!

    I will post on my blog as well!

  9. wonderful prim giveaway please enter me in your contest sheree servies@aol.com

  10. please enter me in your ultimate giveaway so neat......Sheree serviesmds@aol.com

  11. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  12. Just found your site and really like it. Please enter me in your giveaway. I've always wanted to try rug hooking but maybe punching would be easier. Anyway back to check out more posts. Thanks Dolly

  13. Just found your site and became a follower. I love your work! I've not tried this yet, but it is on my list LOL.
    Would love to win this wonderful Santa!

    Thanks, Dolly
