Thursday, November 4, 2010

Enjoying my time at Barbara Carroll's class

I've been hooking with Barb Carroll for the past two days at her lovely home and have had such a great time. I'm hanging with good friends, learning from one of the best in the business and enjoying every minute of it. I'll post pictures of our rugs in the next post, but for now, I thought you would enjoy seeing pictures of Barb's sweet Maine Coon kitty named Posie. She is so dang adorable.....Check out the last picture where she is laying on her back on my lap. Very calm and mind mannered.
As for the rugs, I'm working on Tennessee Hearts and am loving my color palette. I'll snap pictures of every one's rugs in progress so you can see them. Maria


  1. That is one gorgeous cat. Glad you hear you're having a great time. I can't wait to see your Tennesse Hearts rug. I recently posted mine on my blog. One of my favorite patterns.

  2. Oh you lucky girl! I've been thinking of you and hoping you were having the best time! How could you not?! I can't wait to see your TH rug. It's one I plan to do this winter. Travel safe my friend.

  3. Hi Maria - Posie looks like a big mush. Love her. Reminds me of my cat when I was growing up she was a beauty just like Posie and the sweetest loveable cat she'd jump right on your lap and snuggle with you she didn't care what you were doing. LOL
    Can't wait to see all the beautiful rugs being hooked.
    Have a wonderful time.
