Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm gearing up for Ghoultide Gatherings

Ghoultide Gathering is quickly approaching and I've been busy creating new rug designs. Here is another little mat that I hooked up for the show.

Her name is Witchie Poo! Will any of you be attending the Ghoultide Gathering in Northville, Michigan? If so, please stop by and introduce yourself.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the naming of the rug. What great names you all came up with! I'll still trying to pick my favorite.....will let you know tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by. Maria


  1. HI Maria! My friend and I am hoping to come. Really looking forward to seeing your new designs and of course,you! I heard it was a really nice your new rugs..have fun!

  2. Love the witch, very fun piece.


  3. I hope that you are going to take some pictures of this gathering! It sounds so fun and this little witch looks just darling!
