Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Metal Sculptures

Whenever we go to Manitoulin Island, we pass through this little town on Highway 17 called Massey. There is a metal artist in Massey that does the most amazing things with metal. He use scrap metal and if I remember correctly uses old propane tanks for his sculptures. His sculptures grace the open spaces in the center of town. Check out this horse. It is life size. Can you believe the mane on the horse?
Photobucket His work is so wonderful. Several years ago, he had two rabbits, March Hares, they were probably 5 feet tall and would have been amazing in a garden. Here is a picture of two more horses and a life size moose.
Don't you just love these wonderful works of art?

As promised, here are a couple of rugs I've been working on for an upcoming folk art show in October.

Thanks for stopping by, Maria

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These look like pretty cool abstract metal sculptures of horses. You got some serious talent.