Sunday, January 3, 2010

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I sure did spending time with my family. With the new year, I’ve been trying to think of ways to make my life less complicated. The easiest way to do that, and this is my New Year’s resolution, is to become more organized. I’ve started the process already and am going to continue throughout the year. Wish me luck with this one! I think a diet would be way easier. Oh and my other resolution is to try and post more frequently to my blog!
I also have a few pictures to share with you. Two of my students from Star of Texas have sent me pictures of rugs they have completed. The first is from Donna Holdiness. She completed the Triangle Sheep and made it into a pillow.
The sheep looks so real. Isn’t the pillow just darling? And so is Miss Donna! She also runs a rug camp in Mississippi and I hear it is fabulous!

The next rug is from Linda Long and oh my can this gal produce rugs. She hooked four rugs while she was at camp and just finished this rug (25 x 35), Halloween Hooligans.
This rug is so fun and the colors Linda chose are terrific. I can’t wait to see it in person. Thanks Donna and Linda for sharing your great rugs with us. Maria


  1. Love the sheep pillow and the Halloween Rug! Very nicely done! I hope to post more on my blog too this coming year! I hope we can both achieve that! I just discovered your blog so will be eagerly anticipating your posts! Cathy G

  2. Great pillow and rug. That sheep face is wonderful! I can't wait to see what you post. It's always good!

  3. Those rugs turned out beautifully, Maria! Your students are so fortunate to have such a wonderful instructor ~ inspiring!
