Thursday, January 7, 2010

AND THE WINNERS ARE.....................................

Wow what a response to the giveaway.....and your reasons for needing the wool are clever, creative and compelling! I enjoyed reading them all....because so many of you responded, I decided to give away 8 pieces of fat quarters. I wish I could give everyone some of this wool!
As for the method of determining the winners, I couldn't choose from all these great answers, so I asked my little darling to pick 8 numbers between 1 and 35. And the numbers are 2, 5, 7, 16, 18, 21, 29, and 33. I also asked her to give me two other numbers and those numbers are 1 and 24. Keep in mind that I had a response in there so I did not include that in my number calculation.
So if you see your name here, please send me an email to with your address. Beth Twist (2), Kathy (5) (Woolfind), Befruitful Kreations (16), MaggiesFarm (Merrie) (18), Sandi,(21) Jo (29) and jsrotts (Judi)(33). Debbie (1) and Bobbie (24 ) also send me your addresses as you will each get the pattern for Mr. Hempenstall.

I also wanted to share this picture of snowguy and primitive Christmas tree. Photobucket
I just love these rugs. Something a little interesting about these two rugs is that they were punched using the Oxford Punch with wool yarn. How cool is that? Segan explained that she uses the #8 punch and that makes a 1/2 inch loop. It's a smaller more compact loop.
She said she stretches the linen on the frame just like you do with hooking and just starts punching. When you punch the wool in this manner, the loop goes to the back of the linen. So it is just like needle punch. She said it punches up very quickly with the snowman taking her about 4 hours to do.
The speed of the punch is what drew her to it as she has 4 kids....can you imagine having time to do anything with four kids......YOU GO GIRL! She buys the wool yarn from Kindred SPirits. VERY COOL!!
I have an Oxford Punch and will give it a try after seeing these two little mats. Thanks again for all that participated in the wool giveaway. Maria


Mary said...

Maria, how very generous you are! Congrats to all the winners.

BeFRuiTFuL KReaTioNS said...

Maria Thank you so much. I will be sending you an email shortly. I like these two designs to. The Oxford needle is something I would like to try some time.


sandi said...

Oh Happy Day! Just sat down to the computer, telling my hubby I never win a thing when - ta da - I see my name!! Oh Joy!! Thank you so much Maria - my my so excited over the lovely wool!!

WoolenSails said...

Thank you for the contest, will send you my mail soon. I have punched and left a note at the group, but I have tried different versions and needles, so you can email me anytime, if you have questions.


Judi said...

Oh my gosh, I see my name listed! Thank you so much for your generosity. Can't wait to see this beautiful wool.

Kathy (woolfind) said...

Oh Wow Maria, I saw my name! Thank you! I will be sending you my address through the group. Big hugs and thanks to your little one, and how she pulled the numbers. Too cute.
I bet you would like the oxford punch. I haven't done it with any wool yarn, but have tried it with homespun cotton. A friend had it and allowed us to each try it using hers. Very nice effect.

Kathy (woolfind) said...

my goodness, I was so excited, I forgot to say Congratulations to ALL the other winners too!

primitivebettys said...

CONGRATS to all the lucky winners!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations to the winners!

Love the way the Oxford punch gives texture to those beautiful designs!

maggiesfarm said...

Hooray! Hooray! Thanks so much!


HomeSpunPrims said...

Congrats to the lucky winners!

CareyCottage said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting my rugs. I love the Oxford punch. I will send you pics of the new rugs when they are completed!

BeFRuiTFuL KReaTioNS said...

Maria once more I wanted to say thank you. This wool is totally awesome and you are such a dear for sharing it with us.

Hugs JoEllen