Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pictures from the Star of Texas Rug camp

The camp at Star of Texas, Fredericksburg was a great experience. The gals in my class were so much fun and oh so talented. Over the next week or so, I'm going to share pictures of their rugs in progress. Several of the ladies actually finished their rugs. And then there was Ms. Linda Long.....she was a speed demon when it came to hooking. She actually finished two rugs and started a third.
Linda is great with colors and her rugs are terrific. I just wish you could see these rugs in person. Her hooking style is amazing. She hooks pretty high but the neat thing about her hoooking style is that she leaves so much space between her loops. I examined her rugs in depth and learned that she oftentimes leaves three of four spaces between loops. If you flip her rugs over, you see a lot of the foundation material showing on the back. This style of hooking makes her rugs appear old. I tried to hook leaving more space and if you are a packer like me, it is hard to do. Below is one of the rugs she finished at camp called Tilda. The colors she used in this rug are great.

The next picutre is of Matilda. Who would have thought of a blue face for this gal? I just love the color choices she made in this rug.

The next couple of pictures are rugs that Linda brought to camp to show us. This one is Mister Snowman and Linda did a wonderful job with the color in this rug. She used wool yarn for his socks and the star. I've never used yarn in a rug before but it hooks up great and looks awesome in a rug. The colors in this rug just make me smile.

The next photo is of my Halloween Stroll and is terrific as well. As you can see from all these pictures, Linda has a great primitive sense for color.

The final photo is of a rug she hooked with Cammie Bruce. I believe the pattern is from Barb Carroll. The colors and hooking style just make this rug look old.

I really wish you could see these rugs in person as my pictures are not doing them justice. Well that's it for now. In the next day or two, I'll show another rug or two from camp. Enjoy the pictures, Maria


  1. Maria, thanks for sharing! They are wonderful. Sounds like you had a great time. My goodness, hard to believe someone would finish that many rugs in such a short time! And such beautiful hooking and choice of colors.

  2. Maria,
    Sounds like a wonderful class. I am a packer too and trying very hard not too. Would make hooking a lot easier and faster;)


  3. Great rugs and choice of colors. Linda must have had a great feeling of accomplishment!! She got so much done. Love that blue face. I would have never thought of that and it works.

    Lori R

  4. LOVE all the rugs and colors are perfect!!

  5. Great rugs, I am so happy you shared them with us.

  6. It does sound like a great class & you are right, Linda has a way with color! :) Thanks for sharing!!
