Saturday, May 31, 2008

A month has passed.....

Time flies when you are having fun. I wanted to share with you these two neat pieces that Lori Rippey made. The first one is a wonderful handmade quilt that she made for me. Isn't it awesome? She knows I love stars and baskets and incorporated both into the quilt. The colors are terrific.

The next piece is a hooked rug that she made for her SIL using the challenge pattern I designed for PRHG last fall. I love what Lori did with the design and colors. The blue sky is heavenly. Maria


  1. What a talented friend you have Maria. Both the quilt and the rug are just beautiful:)

  2. KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home?
    How are you? Hope you are doing well and just crazy busy like the rest of us!! LOL
    big hugs, bren :)

  3. Maria ~ Maria ~ Where are you? Can you come out and blog? Hellooooo?

  4. Hello Maria:
    Love both the quilt and the wonderful sheep rug!!! All of your designs make us smile and enjoy!! : ) (And I enjoy visiting your Blog too)

    I am suffering "withdrawal" symptoms from wide cut while doing the "Helen's Tapestry" rug, but I'm having a wonderful time!!! It's just so out of my "comfort zone"!!! LOL : )

    Happy Hooking! Sunnie : )

  5. Hi Maria,

    I've missed your blogging adventures...will you be at Sauder this year? I've given you a little award, you need to check my blog for it.

